Friday, April 01, 2005

April Fools

Today is April fools and it has been just that. I truly believe in those mischievious critters we have come to call Grimlins. Those grosteque imps that climb into machinery and claw and chew so that we poor defenseless humans can't get our work done. AARRGGGGHH! Ah. I feel better. The only project I had going today was our monthly news letter. I have to program the computer to print, which is normally a 15 to 30 minute task, but for some reason it took 2 stinkin hours. Like I said, "Today is April fools." If something is going to go wrong, it will gone wrong. We finally got it finished and mailed. Yippee! Have you seen my blog lately. I am learning how to add photos. I'm so proud. (tear).


Bobby said...

Color photos! You're all grown up now!

Christa said...

I have been feeling a little more grown up than usual. A lot of changes have taken place in my life. Very exciting.

Lorie said...

Post a new post, ma'am. (that's a nod to your newfound feeling of arriving at adulthood)
