" Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." Matthew 5:48.
From My Utmost for His Hightest
Our Lord's exhortation in these verses is to be generous in our behaviour to all men. In the spiritual life beware of walking according to natural affinities. Everyone has natural affinities; some people we like and others we do not like. We must never let those likes and dislikes rule in our Christian life. "If we walk in the light as God is in the light," God will give us communion with people for whom we have not natural affinity.
The Example Our Lord gives us is not that of a good man, or even of a good Christian, but of God Himself. "Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect", show to the other man what God has shown to you; and God will give us ample opportunities in actual life to prove whether we are perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect. To be a disciple means that we deliberately identify ourselves with God's interests in other people. "That ye love one another; as I have loved you..."
The expression of Christian character is not good doing, but God-likeness. If the Spirit of God has transformed you within, you will exhibit Divine characteristics in your life, not good human characteristics. God's life in us expresses itself as God's life, not as human life trying to be godly. The secret of a Christian is that the supernatural is made natural in him by the grace of God, and the experience of this works out in the practical details of life, not in times of communion with God. When we come in contact with things that create a buzz, we find to our amazement that we have power to keep wonderfully poised in the center of it all.
Amazing to me how this pertains to my life today. I am in awe.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
The Heart of the Prodigal Son's Brother
Lately my Sunday School class has been reading through Luke. This week we are studying Luke 14. The last parable is the parable of "The Prodigal Son". Which has really pricked and humbled my heart. Sometimes in studying this passage we forget about the older son, who stayed with his father and continued to work. He was the good son, right? So we presume. We find out that although he outwardly appeared good his heart was bitter, had ungodly motivations and full of resentment. "But he was angry and would not go in. Therefore his father came out and pleaded with him. So he answered and said to his father, 'Lo, these many years I have been serving you; I never transgressed your commandments at any time; and yet you never gave me a young goat, that I might make merry with my friends'" For some reason I have felt a little like this son. Expecting to be rewarded for my faithfulness, my studies at seminary, my volunteer work at church, my present job. Don't I deserve a little recognition!?! NO! Ouch!
I know I need to have the mentality of the Prodigal son who "came to his senses" and realized that the servants in his fathers house were being well provided for than he was expecting the world to provide for him. He came to his senses realized his sinnfulness and came humbly to his father expecting nothing but perhaps his father would make him a servant.
Comparing the two brothers two words stick out. The words make and give. The prodigal son came back to his father only expecting to be made a servant. The older son stayed only to get something in return or be recognized by his efforts.
Prayer request: I spoke to my father the other night. He has been in the ministry for over 35 years. At present he is pastoring a small church in Daytona Beach, Fl. I know many of you are probably saying...poor man...tanning for Jesus. Well, its not like that for him, but the leisure mentality has lodged deep in the hearts of those living in the community, even the hearts of the church members. The area in which my father minister's is a hard community. It is full of deadbeat fathers who have adopted the no rules, leisure mentality that caters to the tourists. This leaves mothers with 3 to 4 to 5 children, to fend for themselves. Most of the time they find the means through the bars and stip joints lining the main streets of Daytona. Many of them get hooked on alcohol, drugs, sex..leaving these children and youth wanting for both parents. My father's has been diligent in staying and trying to serve and reach this community for Christ. He and the family has sacrificed much. He has never asked anyting accept people come to and live for Christ. Prayer for his continued obedience. Pray for his soul to be revived and given a fresh desire to serve. May God's glory shine upon my father's countenance and be the lifter of his head.
As a daughter I am proud of my fathers perserverance. As a daughter I want my father to be recognized for his service. As his daughter I have become hard hearted towards the people of Daytona Beach and have struggled over the years fighting the idea of returning and using my talents and the education I have received here, for the cause of Christ in that area...fighting the idea of expecting anything but to be a servant. My father's advice has not helped me much. When I ask him if I should return, he says he doesn't want me to get caught in the middle of things. He wants me to experience a ministry position that reaps results. As a proud father that is only normal. We are both not being realistic.
I realize my selfishness. I sit at home in the comfort of my living room, in the security of my job, in the security of a well staffed church home and find myself being just as complacent in ministry as those in Daytona have become complacent in life.
Father, teach me to be humble. Give me the willingness to forgive so that I may be forgiven. Make my heart tender and compassionate towards those who have become complacent in their walk with the Lord or have not yet come to the renewing power of Jesus Christ. Sometimes I can be unsympathetic to those living in sin. I don't like it. I want to be ever willing to boldly speak and live my faith. Help me to intentionally seek out opportunities and help me to be mentally and spiritually prepared to do so. Not my will be done, but thy will. Amen
There are many different aspects of this parable that can be looked at and applied to life. Especially the Fathers actions. But that is for another blog.
Any comments and scripture passages are welcome.
I know I need to have the mentality of the Prodigal son who "came to his senses" and realized that the servants in his fathers house were being well provided for than he was expecting the world to provide for him. He came to his senses realized his sinnfulness and came humbly to his father expecting nothing but perhaps his father would make him a servant.
Comparing the two brothers two words stick out. The words make and give. The prodigal son came back to his father only expecting to be made a servant. The older son stayed only to get something in return or be recognized by his efforts.
Prayer request: I spoke to my father the other night. He has been in the ministry for over 35 years. At present he is pastoring a small church in Daytona Beach, Fl. I know many of you are probably saying...poor man...tanning for Jesus. Well, its not like that for him, but the leisure mentality has lodged deep in the hearts of those living in the community, even the hearts of the church members. The area in which my father minister's is a hard community. It is full of deadbeat fathers who have adopted the no rules, leisure mentality that caters to the tourists. This leaves mothers with 3 to 4 to 5 children, to fend for themselves. Most of the time they find the means through the bars and stip joints lining the main streets of Daytona. Many of them get hooked on alcohol, drugs, sex..leaving these children and youth wanting for both parents. My father's has been diligent in staying and trying to serve and reach this community for Christ. He and the family has sacrificed much. He has never asked anyting accept people come to and live for Christ. Prayer for his continued obedience. Pray for his soul to be revived and given a fresh desire to serve. May God's glory shine upon my father's countenance and be the lifter of his head.
As a daughter I am proud of my fathers perserverance. As a daughter I want my father to be recognized for his service. As his daughter I have become hard hearted towards the people of Daytona Beach and have struggled over the years fighting the idea of returning and using my talents and the education I have received here, for the cause of Christ in that area...fighting the idea of expecting anything but to be a servant. My father's advice has not helped me much. When I ask him if I should return, he says he doesn't want me to get caught in the middle of things. He wants me to experience a ministry position that reaps results. As a proud father that is only normal. We are both not being realistic.
I realize my selfishness. I sit at home in the comfort of my living room, in the security of my job, in the security of a well staffed church home and find myself being just as complacent in ministry as those in Daytona have become complacent in life.
Father, teach me to be humble. Give me the willingness to forgive so that I may be forgiven. Make my heart tender and compassionate towards those who have become complacent in their walk with the Lord or have not yet come to the renewing power of Jesus Christ. Sometimes I can be unsympathetic to those living in sin. I don't like it. I want to be ever willing to boldly speak and live my faith. Help me to intentionally seek out opportunities and help me to be mentally and spiritually prepared to do so. Not my will be done, but thy will. Amen
There are many different aspects of this parable that can be looked at and applied to life. Especially the Fathers actions. But that is for another blog.
Any comments and scripture passages are welcome.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
The Heavens Declare the Glory of God
...in a very real way. Last night as I lay down, I reached for my bible and turned to Psalm 19. It read "The heavens delare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard." Although I focused on the last words of the chapter.."Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." The chapter became very real to me at about 3:40 a.m this morning. I was suddenly awakened by loud clamps of thunder and illuminating flashes of lightning. Wow! was all I could utter and for the next hour and a half I watched in amazement as the heavens declared the glory of God. The clouds lay ominous blanketing the earth. The winds whipped through the trees bending them to it's will. The birds awoke and chirped in fear or perhaps they were joining in the revelry of the clouds and wind. The lightening was so rapid that at times it looked as if it were mid-day. Slicing through the clouds it struck down the darkness. Intent on watching this majestic display I sunk down into my covers. I felt as if I had been transported back to my childhood. As a little girl, living in Canada, I would watch the summer lightning storms from our front porch. My sister and I would huddle together with our bag of popcorn and watch and count...1 Mississippi...2 Mississippi 3 Missisi..CRACK. We would squeal in delight as the thunder clapped. Then we'd start all over again. Last night was a reminder of how very small I am and how very mighty God is. Last night I could have shuttered in fear and cowered beneath the covers but comfort from the passage I had read earlier brought great comfort and excitement that God would allow me to join with nature to declare his glory. How many times have I forgotten?
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I have recently begun reading Nancy Leigh Demoss's book on "Brokenness." Here is a little quote that really got me.
"As wax or clay must be soft and pliable in order to be molded by the artist's hands, so the broken, contrite heart is easily molded by the hand of God and does not harden itself against the circumstances God chooses to mold it."
Have you ever experienced a circumstance you thought you had accepted but you felt anger or bitterness or something to that effect, other than a willingness or peace? Then you haven't experienced true brokenness.
I have to admit that recently I have a had a break through in this area. For sometime I have felt spiritually dry, far from the quenching waters of my Father. Having a desire to read God's word or spend time in prayer with him was there, but something was holding me back. That something was from a deeper desire... a desire to approach God in a way that was not fake or forced. I was tired of approaching God's throne with promises and requests that were not of any subsequent importance. I wanted to get back to a place where I could be absolutely transparent, to come before him with a complete, not half hearted, willingness to serve Him. Last Sunday, during our morning service, came that release. I was truely broken, tired of hardening my heart to what God would have me do.
Each time I humbly submit to His will, my heart softens and he begins to reshape my will to match his. I hunger for his touch, though painful it may be.
"As wax or clay must be soft and pliable in order to be molded by the artist's hands, so the broken, contrite heart is easily molded by the hand of God and does not harden itself against the circumstances God chooses to mold it."
Have you ever experienced a circumstance you thought you had accepted but you felt anger or bitterness or something to that effect, other than a willingness or peace? Then you haven't experienced true brokenness.
I have to admit that recently I have a had a break through in this area. For sometime I have felt spiritually dry, far from the quenching waters of my Father. Having a desire to read God's word or spend time in prayer with him was there, but something was holding me back. That something was from a deeper desire... a desire to approach God in a way that was not fake or forced. I was tired of approaching God's throne with promises and requests that were not of any subsequent importance. I wanted to get back to a place where I could be absolutely transparent, to come before him with a complete, not half hearted, willingness to serve Him. Last Sunday, during our morning service, came that release. I was truely broken, tired of hardening my heart to what God would have me do.
Each time I humbly submit to His will, my heart softens and he begins to reshape my will to match his. I hunger for his touch, though painful it may be.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Going Home
Well Friends, Strangers, Countrymen and not so countrymen, it has been waaaaaaay too long since I last blogged. I apologize for the last 5 or so blogs, they have been kinda happazardly thrown for quantity sake, not content.
I suppose I should catch you up to date. Much has gone down in the last four weeks. Mid-February, I went home for a week to help my sister, Brittany, finish preparing for her wedding. I spent the week chauffering her around, shopping for clothing, decorations, going to fittings, setting up the reception hall, and taking care of the intricate details...the finishing touches. And I thought I was a perfectionist. A side-note - During the time I spent with Brit, I realized I am not a perfectionist at all. I do appreciate things being done the right way, and my first reaction to change may display a little bit or anxiousness, but given a good reason to shift gears and do something different...I'm really pretty flexible.
Anyway moving on. The wedding was simple and beautiful. The reception was where things were happening. If you want to see pictures of it you can log on to charityphotos.reflectphotos.com. It really is difficult to explain.
After returning to Louisville, I prepared myself to hear of my grandmothers death. I prefer to say "Home Going", but I will explain that later for those of you who don't get it. Granny was unable to attend the wedding due to her illness and my mom had warned us to be prepared to hear from her. A week went by and last monday my mom called with the news. "She's gone. I was sitting with her. She was sleeping and I was watching her breath. She breathed in and out and that was all. She wasn't in any pain. She was sleeping and then she was gone."
My grandmother (Gloria Stroecker) is Home. She is no longer wandering this world waiting for the Saviors return. She is humbly standing in his presence ministering unto him. She is no longer in agony from her arthritis, slipped disks, broken hips, heart condition, diabetes and so on...these diseases (products of man's disobedience) she had suffered with for over 15 years. She no longer feels like a burden to her children, though I never thought she was. Why can I say she is home? Some of you already know what I'm going to say, but I have to testify to the life my grandmother lead and to the life that lived within her. She lived a life being a witness to the love of God. She was caregiver and nurse for over 40 years. She was the oldest sister of eight siblings who considered her the glue that kept their family together. She was a mother of four, a grandmother to 16 and great grandmother to more than 20 grandchildren. She was 4 feet tall and packed with dynamite. She was always doing something for someone else.
Through her faith in Jesus Christ she endured maladies that caused great physical pain. She was not big on complaining about them. It frustrated her that she was unable to do things for others. But the Lord continued to use her. While I was attending college she allowed me to live with her. We blessed each other. She blessed me with a roof and food. I blessed her by taking her out shopping, Dr. appointments and company. Although she wasn't able to physically do much in her later years there wasn't a day she didn't spend time every morning in her favorite chair, praying. She would be up before the sun reading her bible or "Daily Bread" devotionals.
Her Faith was found in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was sent to die in our behalf for the crimes we have committed against our creator. Jesus - An innocent God/Man, yep you read right...who lived a sinless life, a perfect sacrifice, who WILLINGLY went to the cross, on which He then took our sins and experienced His own Fathers wrath, that same wrath my grandmother, myself, and any one who does not repent of their sins and trust in Jesus, will experience when it is our turn.
It doesn't end there. Yes, Christ died for my our sins...but he also rose from the dead, defeating death, demonstrating the overcoming power of God and giving me a living hope in a living Savior. What good is a Savior who can't save himself? That is what gave me such joy at my grandmother's funeral. While some mourned her death... I celebrated her life that she is now living and that I long to live. One day the Father will call me home. For now, I strive to do his bidding to the utmost well aware of my short comings but determined not to defeated by them.
"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumberance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." ~ Hebrew 12:1-2
I suppose I should catch you up to date. Much has gone down in the last four weeks. Mid-February, I went home for a week to help my sister, Brittany, finish preparing for her wedding. I spent the week chauffering her around, shopping for clothing, decorations, going to fittings, setting up the reception hall, and taking care of the intricate details...the finishing touches. And I thought I was a perfectionist. A side-note - During the time I spent with Brit, I realized I am not a perfectionist at all. I do appreciate things being done the right way, and my first reaction to change may display a little bit or anxiousness, but given a good reason to shift gears and do something different...I'm really pretty flexible.
Anyway moving on. The wedding was simple and beautiful. The reception was where things were happening. If you want to see pictures of it you can log on to charityphotos.reflectphotos.com. It really is difficult to explain.
After returning to Louisville, I prepared myself to hear of my grandmothers death. I prefer to say "Home Going", but I will explain that later for those of you who don't get it. Granny was unable to attend the wedding due to her illness and my mom had warned us to be prepared to hear from her. A week went by and last monday my mom called with the news. "She's gone. I was sitting with her. She was sleeping and I was watching her breath. She breathed in and out and that was all. She wasn't in any pain. She was sleeping and then she was gone."
My grandmother (Gloria Stroecker) is Home. She is no longer wandering this world waiting for the Saviors return. She is humbly standing in his presence ministering unto him. She is no longer in agony from her arthritis, slipped disks, broken hips, heart condition, diabetes and so on...these diseases (products of man's disobedience) she had suffered with for over 15 years. She no longer feels like a burden to her children, though I never thought she was. Why can I say she is home? Some of you already know what I'm going to say, but I have to testify to the life my grandmother lead and to the life that lived within her. She lived a life being a witness to the love of God. She was caregiver and nurse for over 40 years. She was the oldest sister of eight siblings who considered her the glue that kept their family together. She was a mother of four, a grandmother to 16 and great grandmother to more than 20 grandchildren. She was 4 feet tall and packed with dynamite. She was always doing something for someone else.
Through her faith in Jesus Christ she endured maladies that caused great physical pain. She was not big on complaining about them. It frustrated her that she was unable to do things for others. But the Lord continued to use her. While I was attending college she allowed me to live with her. We blessed each other. She blessed me with a roof and food. I blessed her by taking her out shopping, Dr. appointments and company. Although she wasn't able to physically do much in her later years there wasn't a day she didn't spend time every morning in her favorite chair, praying. She would be up before the sun reading her bible or "Daily Bread" devotionals.
Her Faith was found in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was sent to die in our behalf for the crimes we have committed against our creator. Jesus - An innocent God/Man, yep you read right...who lived a sinless life, a perfect sacrifice, who WILLINGLY went to the cross, on which He then took our sins and experienced His own Fathers wrath, that same wrath my grandmother, myself, and any one who does not repent of their sins and trust in Jesus, will experience when it is our turn.
It doesn't end there. Yes, Christ died for my our sins...but he also rose from the dead, defeating death, demonstrating the overcoming power of God and giving me a living hope in a living Savior. What good is a Savior who can't save himself? That is what gave me such joy at my grandmother's funeral. While some mourned her death... I celebrated her life that she is now living and that I long to live. One day the Father will call me home. For now, I strive to do his bidding to the utmost well aware of my short comings but determined not to defeated by them.
"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumberance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." ~ Hebrew 12:1-2
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