Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I have recently begun reading Nancy Leigh Demoss's book on "Brokenness." Here is a little quote that really got me.

"As wax or clay must be soft and pliable in order to be molded by the artist's hands, so the broken, contrite heart is easily molded by the hand of God and does not harden itself against the circumstances God chooses to mold it."

Have you ever experienced a circumstance you thought you had accepted but you felt anger or bitterness or something to that effect, other than a willingness or peace? Then you haven't experienced true brokenness.

I have to admit that recently I have a had a break through in this area. For sometime I have felt spiritually dry, far from the quenching waters of my Father. Having a desire to read God's word or spend time in prayer with him was there, but something was holding me back. That something was from a deeper desire... a desire to approach God in a way that was not fake or forced. I was tired of approaching God's throne with promises and requests that were not of any subsequent importance. I wanted to get back to a place where I could be absolutely transparent, to come before him with a complete, not half hearted, willingness to serve Him. Last Sunday, during our morning service, came that release. I was truely broken, tired of hardening my heart to what God would have me do.

Each time I humbly submit to His will, my heart softens and he begins to reshape my will to match his. I hunger for his touch, though painful it may be.

1 comment:

iggie said...

um, i've been broken before. i was hospitalized and at my lowest. truly, when you get there, all that is left is God.