Friday, March 18, 2005

How Blessed are Those Whose Way is Blameless

"How blessed are those whose way is blameless,
Who walk in the law of the Lord." Psalm 119:1

When I read God's word, I like to look at it as a whole, break it down verse by verse and then see how I am or am not applying it to my life.

It's interesting how the writer of this Psalm chooses his words. I find so much meaning in just this one verse. Just take the words, "How blessed are those..." When we think of blessed, I guess what would first come to mind would be the thought of receiving something: a desired object, money, riches... But blessing in it's truest form means "happy" and not just any type of "happy". It's not the momentary happiness that we experience when we received our first bike. Eventually, we got tired of it, saw another one we liked better, left it out in the rain on purpose so mom and dad would get a new one, kind of momentary happiness. It is a happiness which exceeds our expectations, one that exceeds far into our future. It is not a momentary happiness but...constant with a value of is forever. That kind of happiness does not come from material objects which when this life is over, we can't take with us and in the end will return to the dust from whence it came.

"Blessed are those whose way is blameless..." The word "way", implies all aspects of my lifestyle. Not just, to many peoples surprise, your visible lifestyle. It includes the way in which you live your life behind closed doors. If I am known as a woman of integrity at my job and in my social circles but am living a life of ungodliness in my home, (watching pornography, movies, magazines), which by the way, has become extremely accessable. I was casually flipping through the mail and came across a Victoria Secrets mail order magazine. I was shocked at the poses these women were in. This was a womens magazine, but I felt lik I was reading a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Addition, not that I read those things. I mean come on ladies, don't leave your "Victoria Secrets" magazine lying around for your man to view. Those ladies are not posing for you. Anyway, eventually that lifestyle habit will leak into all aspects of my life. It will really mess me up! I look for example to the life of David. In II Samuel 11:1-2, it says, "Then it happened in the spring, at the time when kings go out to battle, that David sent Joab and his servant with him and all Israel,..." In verse two is says, "Now when evening came David arose from his bed and walked around on the roof of the king's house, and from the roof he saw a woman bathing; and the woman was very beautiful in appearance." At once you think, "He shouldn't be starring at that woman, that's sinful." But what sin brought him to that place. Going back to the first verse, where is it the king is supposed to be? " at the time when kings go into battle..." He's is supposed to be with his army, leading them to victory, suffering with them, setting the example for his people. But where was he while his armies were fighting, sleeping on the ground, wallowing in the mud and blood of the wounded and the dead. At home--in his lush spread. His first sin was laziness. Now, curiousity is not a sin, but lingering in a place where you know you shouldn't be, even if you are King, can lead to sin and the majority of the time, it will. Davids second sin was lust, which lead to adultery, lying, and murder. These sins did not just hurt Davids reputation as a King who followed God, but Bathsheba and the child that came from their sinful act. This innocent child became sick and died. That must have been very painful for the mother. But most importantly...the sinfullness of David's thoughts and actions caused a rift in his relationship with God. The one that chose him to be King, protected him from Saul and helped defeat his enemy's. That is how living two lifestyles will make you miserable, for eternity. I think that is why the writer used "way", singlular. There is to be only one way of living which will lead to eternal happiness. Thank God for his mercy and grace. He is a forgiving God, but that does not give us reason to continue in sin, nor does God desire such behavior.

"Blessed are those whose way is blameless...", with out spot or blemish. Blameless means not one person can come up to you and speak illy of your character. They might like to and if they did everyone would know it to be a lie. That means always being in the right place, so as not to have anyone question your motives or actions. It means always speaking the truth, not compromising yourself.

"Blessed are those whose way is blameless, Who walks in the law of the Lord." The second half of this verse is used to emphasis whos' way you are to be blamesless in. Gods' way, his laws. The 10 Commandments and the laws of God's very character. I guess that's what I'll talk about next time. God's character and how we as Christians , with his spirits help, can be more like him and experience that eternaly happiness even in the present.

Disclaimer: This blog is not an avenue to preach to or condemn those who disagree with my faith. I am by no means perfect in anyway. But I am confident that I have already received this happiness that the Psalmist speaks about. Have you? I write because it is a way in which I can express my thoughts. Writing for me is an outlet, it helps me keep things organized and in perspective, more for myself than anyone. But I'd love to hear any imput you might have. Peace be to you!

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